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How to bset screenshot your computer- hint not with you phone

תמונת הסופר/ת: מיה יהלום מאמנת לדיגיטלמיה יהלום מאמנת לדיגיטל

I still often receive people taking pictures of their computer screens with their mobile phones. This method is not ideal for several reasons:

  • The resulting image is blurry and unclear

  • Sometimes it's not possible to see the entire screen or all important information

  • It makes sending the image difficult (if you want to attach it to an email or send it via WhatsApp)

Instead, you can use the built-in Snipping Tool in the Windows operating system. You can search for it using the magnifying glass search button, or simply open it directly through the keyboard shortcuts: Win & Shift & S, where WIN is the Windows key located at the bottom of the keyboard, between ALT and Ctrl.

How to use the tool?

  • Press the keyboard shortcut, Win & Shift & S, and a marker will open.

  • Use the mouse to select the desired part of the screen to capture.

  • Once you release the mouse, the image is captured and is now in the computer's memory.

  • You can paste the image with Ctrl&V in WhatsApp, email, or anywhere else.

In addition to the Windows Snipping Tool, there are several other tools and options that can help you capture the screen easily and professionally:

  • If you're using a Mac computer, you can use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Command + 4. When you press this shortcut, you can choose the desired part of the screen, and the image will be saved directly to the desktop.

  • External apps - There are many external apps that can make it easier for you to capture the screen. Some of them offer additional options such as image editing or quick sharing via links. Examples of such apps are LightShot, Snagit, and Greenshot.

  • Other operating systems: If you're using Linux or another operating system, you may have a default tool or external app that can help you capture the screen professionally and easily.

At the end of the capture process, it's important to check the image to make sure all the relevant information is clearly visible and of good quality. This will make it easier for readers to receive the information and make the image look more professional.

Also, when talking about screenshots, it's important to protect your personal information. Before sharing or sending a screenshot, make sure there is no sensitive or private information in the image. If needed, you can use editing tools like Paint to delete or hide sensitive information.

In conclusion, there are many easy and professional options for capturing screens. Windows Snipping Tool, Mac keyboard shortcuts, and external apps are some of the popular and useful ways to do this. Practice using these tools to improve results and make sharing information with others easier.

You can watch a tutorial video, and if you liked it, I recommend following the content on Instagram as it gets updated faster than the website.

This content was kindly rewritten by the great generosity of Grandpa Jepto, or more commonly known as Chat GPT4.


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